Thursday, December 9, 2010

15. Chantal Michel

There isn't much information on this artist except for what is written in German, but her images just make me feel like I have to take a step back for a moment. Disturbingly humorous, there's something hysterical and dreadful about being buried under the cushions of a couch. These are ordinary, everyday spaces which somehow become dangerous, or at least a setting for a complete breakdown to take place.

From the series: Victor. 2006.

From the series: Der stille Gast. 2006.

From the series: Das historische Gedächtnis mit seiner toten Zeit ist die Zukunft. 2005.

From the series: Der stille Gast. 2006.

From the series: Das historische Gedächtnis mit seiner toten Zeit ist die Zukunft. 2005.


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